Then, after the meeting, he went back to his desk, resolving to work on the hard things but instead wound up reading about aircraft carriers for the rest of the afternoon.
The man’s pants
“Congratulations on ruining David Suzuki’s pants! So, is that your favorite type of hot sauce…or…?”
Trading shoes
“Your sister seems to think that we should trade shoes or some such thing, although, I’ll warn, I don’t trade shoes easily.”
Moustache drawing
hey, how’s it going? :) | Hey, pretty good. Except: up way too late on a Sunday night | :{) <--- j/k, I don't really have a moustache | Hahaaha :) I...wish I was better at making emoticons... What's your BFA in?
But your skin is so soft…
“The ‘not planning on murdering you and wearing your skin’ caveat, how strict are you on that? Oh, pretty strict…this probably isn’t going to work then.”
I am uncomfortable being yours, I knock around inside us like loose change inside a washing machine.
Afternoon sadness
The skies turn grey and wet, and the afternoon sadness hits so hard.
When you kiss him, feel all the years between you.
Freshly Paved
While riding his bike to the Thai restaurant where he had agreed to meet them, he suddenly stopped and got off his bike, feeling nothing but the freshly paved road under his feet. How long had he been feeling this way? Was it forever? Was he slowly boiling to death on the hot asphalt?
Poem found on toilet
Take off the rubber band from your wrist: resist, resist: these forces, these urges, these spaces.